學生真實評價 CSA Student Reviews
ESG School HK is upgrading CSA school uniforms with enhanced eco-friendliness, functionality, and antibacterial features. Let’s hear the real feedback from students!!
CSA老師 : 同學,你著左件新運動服最興奮、最開心。我問下你點解咁興奮咁開心呢?
Teacher : You look excited and happy in your new sports outfit. Why do you feel excited and happy?
CSA學生 : 我覺得特別呢條新運動褲令我有驚喜
Student : I feel especially surprised by these new sports pants.
CSA學生 : 因為之前條運動褲較緊身,天氣熱時候會痴住汗,會唔舒服。再舊些條運動褲是入面有白色網布,都是熱天時會很多汗痴住。
Student : Because the previous sports pants were tighter, they would stick to my sweat in hot weather, which was uncomfortable. Additionally, my even older version of the sports pants have a white mesh lining and just like in hot weather, they stick to my skin when I sweat a lot.
CSA學生 : 因為我是個會跳舞的人,好驚會爆呔,但呢條褲彈性特別好,踢腳無困難度。我隨時隨地都可以做到高難度的動作。同時,有彈性。
Student : Because I am someone who dances, I'm worried that the sports pants might rip. The new sports pants have great elasticity, making it easy to kick. Now I can perform high-difficulty moves anytime and anywhere. At the same time, they are elastic.